Omnitech Unified Commerce Cloud

Enable commerce anytime, anywhere on any device

The Unified Commerce Platform for Enterprise Retail

Tofugear Omnitech is a unified commerce platform designed to enable seamless and highly personalized shopping experiences to customers across all channels. With dynamically scalable infrastructure, Omnitech is the only platform designed for global retailing.


With the highly customizable product modules, Omnitech allows you to create and connect customer-facing experiences at any touchpoint across the shopping journey, enabling retailers to realize a truly headless commerce model.

How Omnitech helps retailers


Take control of your data estate by unifying all of your commerce channels.


One view of all your customer purchase histories, cart activities, engagements and more.


Robust discount and promotion engine combined with campaign and content management.


Create and manage highly customisable, dynamic and tiered loyalty programs.


Unify your product catalogue management, including pricing, filters and product information.


Deliver anytime from anywhere with distributed order management, online & offline.


One view of your business including channel and store performance & customer behaviour.


Open REST-based API enables fast and powerful integration with your existing IT landscape.

Ready to Unlock your Unified Commerce Potential?

“Single platform with one version of truth across all channels.”

Ready to Unlock your Unified Commerce Potential?

Maximize Customer Acquisition and Retention

Increase sales by delivering satisfying customer experiences and foster lasting relationships that maximize customer value.

Sell Anywhere, Anytime, Online and Offline

Remove all barriers to engaging your customers, where they want, when they want, on any device with Headless, API-driven Commerce.

Connect and Mobilize Store Operations

Empower your front-line sales to deliver exceptional service with contextual insights and mobilization.

Enable your Omnichannel Strategy

Maximize sales by leveraging your entire inventory to enable omnichannel purchase and fulfillment.

Fully Realize Your Business Potential with the Cloud

Unlock new streams of value by taking control of your data estate to be more confident in making the right decisions.

Ready to Unlock your Unified Commerce Potential?